Swedish krona conversion

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Swedish krona →

this page last updated:: Sun 22 Jul 2018

Swedish krona

Worldwide use:


The Swedish Krona was established in Sweden in 1873. In April 2006 the Riksbank introduced a new 100kr note which was the first bill to contain new motion security features. The coins of Sweden come in denominations of 1kr, 5kr and 10kr and the rarely used 2kr. The banknotes come in 20kr, 50kr, 10kr, and 500kr notes and the less common 1000kr notes.

In 1968 the 2 Krona coin was produced from cupronickel rather than silver. Coins before this had been worth more than their face value. The Krona is subdivided into 100 Ore. Ore coins were discontinued on 30th September 2010. Goods are still priced in Ore, but prices are rounded up to the nearest Krona when paying in cash.


The Krona first came into use as a result of the Scandinavian Monetary Union of 1873 and lasted until World War I. The name literally means Crown. After the dissolution of the union the Scandinavian countries of Sweden, Denmark and Norway decided to keep the name 'Krona' for their respective countries' currency.

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