Seychellois rupee conversion

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Seychellois rupee →

this page last updated:: Sun 22 Jul 2018

Seychellois rupee

Worldwide use:


The Seychellois Rupee is the currency of the Seychelles. In 1976 the Seychelles Monetary Authority took over the issuance of paper notes. With the 10, 25, 50 and 100 Rupee made available first. In 2005 the 500 Rupee note was issued. The coins come in denominations of 1, 5, 10 and 25 Cents and 1 and 5 Rupee coins.

The Seychelles has the smallest population of any of the African states yet it has the highest 'Human Development Index' on the African continent. Aligned with this it also has the highest income equality in the world, as measured by the Gini ratio also known as the Gini index


The Seychelles got their name from the french finance minister of the day Jean Moreau de Sechelles (1756). The islands came under the control of the British in around 1810 until independence was granted in 1976 as a republic within the Commonwealth. From 1979 onwards the Islands were run as a one party socialist state until 1991 when a multi-party system was introduced.

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