Kyrgyzstani som conversion

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Kyrgyzstani som →

this page last updated:: Sun 22 Jul 2018

Kyrgyzstani som

Worldwide use:


The Kyrgystani Som is the official currency of Kyrgyzstan. The Som is equal to 100 Tyiyn. It was introduced in 1993 to replace the Russian Ruble at a value of 1 Som to 200 Rubles. The fourth series of banknotes were introduced in 2009 in denominations of 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, and 5000 Som. Coinage in circulation are 1, 3, 5, 10 Som and 1, 10, 50 Tyiyn.

The Kyrgyzstan government started to mint Som coins in 2008 following pressure from the business community. The word "som" means "pure" which in context signifies "pure gold." 


The Kyrgystani Som is a relatively young currency as it was only introduced in 1993. Prior to 1993 the official currency was the Russian Ruble.

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