Comorian franc conversion

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Comorian franc →

this page last updated:: Sun 22 Jul 2018

Comorian franc

Worldwide use:


The Comorian Franc is the official currency of the island of Comoros. One Comorian Franc is worth 100 Centimes but Centimes are not circulated due to their extremely low value. Coins are distributed in 25, 50, 100 and 250 Francs. 1, 2, 5 and 10 Franc coins also exist but are rarely used. Banknotes are issued in 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000 Comorian Francs.

The nickname for the 5 Comorian Franc coin is "Reali" after the Spanish Real. The 2 Comorian Franc coin is called the "Nusu" which means "half" and the 1 Comorian Franc coin is called the "Robo" which means "Quarter."


When the island of Comoros came under French rule in 1886, the French Franc was established as the official currency and remained in circulation until 1925. Then, on 1 July 1925, The Banque of Madagascar was established and the Malagasy Franc was launched but no coins were issued until 1943. In 1945, Comoros became a separate French territory from Madagascar and so the Madagascar-Comores Franc was introduced. In 1975, Comoros claimed its independence and in 1979 the Comorian Franc was established.

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